He de confesar que por primera vez me siento orgulloso de una parte de la juventud de este país. Se han movilizado contra una decadencia política, social y económica que llevamos arrastrando desde hace tiempo. Sin embargo hay mucha gente que se ha quedado en casa, incluyendo gente joven; la razón: no apoyar medidas “de izquierda” como la derogación del criterio d’Hont, la tolerancia cero con la corrupción y otras más. También porque piensan que la gente que allí se manifiesta son unos “perroflautas” antisistema con ideas trasnochadas que no hacen más que armar ruido. Otro motivo es que Mariano Rajoy y el PP están en contra y claro como es tu partido, pues hay que hacerle caso o si no eres un rojo quemaiglesias.
Es una pena que la demagogia y el bipartidismo hayan calado tan profundamente en nuestra sociedad. Parece que la gente hoy es incapaz de mirar las cosas fuera de la óptica que le impone el partido al que vota. Tal y como predecía Valle-Inclán seguimos viviendo en un reflejo distorsionado de la democracia, un esperpento. La diferencia es que el resto del mundo está más o menos como nosotros. Los que causaron la crisis actual (gerentes y ejecutivos de AIG, Lehman Brothers, Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch…) no sólo no están en la cárcel, sino que están dirigiendo comités de administración de otras entidades o incluso asesorando gobiernos en materia económica, y cobrando primas extraordinarias de cientos de millones de dólares por la quiebra de sus empresas.
Creo que una parte de la sociedad está harta, harta de que cinco tipos jueguen al monopoly con los ahorros, los empleos y con las vidas de las personas para lucrarse más allá de lo imaginable y que encima si se hacen pupa, tengamos que recatar sus empresas mientras siguen en posesión de fortunas astronómicas.
Pero al menos una parte de la población ha reconocido una buena parte del problema: la sumisión de los dos grandes partidos a los mercados y su incapacidad para llegar a un verdadero estado del bienestar, dado que comunidades autónomas tanto del PP como del PSOE siguen con tasas del paro y pobreza inadmisibles.
No se hasta cuando durará este despertar a la española que ha robado todo protagonismo a la campaña electoral (para desgracia de los partidos políticos que se habían gastado una millonada en el marketing de campaña); pero espero que consiga traer algo positivo, tal vez la promoción de la tasa Tobin, las mejores leyes anticorrupción o una democracia más participativa.
En cualquier caso gracias a todos los que estáis allí, en Sol o en otras plazas de España; vuestra presencia no tiene precio, estáis haciendo historia.
15-M movement
I must confess that for the first time I am proud of some of the youth of this country. They have mobilized against a political, social and economic decay that have been dragging us on for some time. But there are many people who have stayed at home, including young people, the reason: they don’t support measures of “the left" as the repeal of the d'Hont criterion, zero tolerance to corruption and more. Also because they think that those people are “hippies” with outdated ideas that do nothing to do noise. Another reason is that Mariano Rajoy and the PP are against this movementer and if it is your party, you must agree or be a red churches burner.
It is a pity that the demagoguery and bipartisanship have depth so deep into our society. It seems that people today are incapable of looking at things outside the optical imposed on the party they vote. As said by Valle-Inclán we still live in a distorted reflection of democracy, such a grotesque thing. The difference is that the rest of the world is more or less like us. Those who caused the current crisis (managers and executives from AIG, Lehman Brothers, Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch ...) not only are not in prison but also they are who are leading committees of directors of other entities or advising governments on economic matters, and charging extra premiums for hundreds of millions of dollars because of the bankruptcy of their enterprises.
I think part of society is sick, sick of five types playing Monopoly with the savings, jobs and the lives of people for profit beyond the imaginable, and if they slightly hurt, we have to lower their companies while they have still in possession of astronomical fortunes.
But at least, part of the population has recognized a good part of the problem: the submission of the two major parties to the markets and its inability to reach a true welfare state, since regions ruled by PP and the PSOE continue with unemployment and poverty rates inadmissibles.
I don’t know until when will this Spanish awakening, that has stolen all prominence to the political campaign (to the dismay of political parties that had spent millions on marketing campaign), but I hope I get to bring something positive, maybe Tobin promoting, the best anti-corruption laws or a more participatory democracy.
In any case thanks to all who are there, in Sol place, or in other places in Spain, your presence is priceless; you guys, are making history.
It is a pity that the demagoguery and bipartisanship have depth so deep into our society. It seems that people today are incapable of looking at things outside the optical imposed on the party they vote. As said by Valle-Inclán we still live in a distorted reflection of democracy, such a grotesque thing. The difference is that the rest of the world is more or less like us. Those who caused the current crisis (managers and executives from AIG, Lehman Brothers, Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch ...) not only are not in prison but also they are who are leading committees of directors of other entities or advising governments on economic matters, and charging extra premiums for hundreds of millions of dollars because of the bankruptcy of their enterprises.
I think part of society is sick, sick of five types playing Monopoly with the savings, jobs and the lives of people for profit beyond the imaginable, and if they slightly hurt, we have to lower their companies while they have still in possession of astronomical fortunes.
But at least, part of the population has recognized a good part of the problem: the submission of the two major parties to the markets and its inability to reach a true welfare state, since regions ruled by PP and the PSOE continue with unemployment and poverty rates inadmissibles.
I don’t know until when will this Spanish awakening, that has stolen all prominence to the political campaign (to the dismay of political parties that had spent millions on marketing campaign), but I hope I get to bring something positive, maybe Tobin promoting, the best anti-corruption laws or a more participatory democracy.
In any case thanks to all who are there, in Sol place, or in other places in Spain, your presence is priceless; you guys, are making history.
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